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Waiting for Refund

New Contributor II

I have had a case open since 2/28/24 and been told on 4 separate occasions that my refund of $664.21 would be processed in 3-5 days and it has now been nearly 3 weeks. I went on the app and updated my payment method on February 27th. By doing that I was charged $664.21 for service from August 2022- February 2024 without authorization or warning. I am infuriated at this point. This has created a financial hardship for me and I keep getting the runaround. I’ve been told the refund was approved and authorized so why don’t I have it?! 



We know that delays in receiving your refund can be frustrating. Our team can certainly check on the status of your case and help however we can. Please feel free to send us an email to with "ATTN: OS Community/adecker80" in the subject line so we can assist. 

New Contributor

On June 17, 24, I contacted Onstar because I noticed several transactions on the bank statement for $29. 83. A payment was taken July 7th and July 17th for the same amounts. My Onstar services had expired March of 2023, therefore I was confused as to why Onstar was still taking money from my account.

Upon contacting Onstar the representative looked into my account and verified that services had ended March of 2023. However, I was still being charged for active services even though they had expired. She stated she was able to refund me for 3 months $89. 49) and those funds would be refund to my account within 3-5 business days. For the remaining 13 months, she stated she had to open a case and within the next 30 days I would receive a refund for the remaining $387. 79.  July 2, 2024 I received a email from OnStar stating they had reviewed my account and have determined I did not qualify for any refund beyond what had been previously provided to me ($89.49). 

On July 3, 24, I sent a letter to OnStar Subscriber Advocate Team (PO Box 1027 Warren, MI 48090) and included email confirmation that my services expired March of 2023 and included bank statements of Onstar transactions being withdrawn from my account monthly from April of 2023-June of 2024. I called today July 19, 24 and was told my case was closed and no further actions were taking placing. The representative pretty much told me I was not going to be refunded despite the fact I have proof my services had expired March of 2023 and funds were still being taken from my account. 

This is absolutely crazy and unacceptable. This is called fraud and I am willing to seek legal actions if necessary, if OnStar refused to correct this matter and refund me what I am owed. Has anyone else experienced this? 

Our team understands how billing concerns can be quite worrisome and recognize how unexpected situations like this can be very disheartening. At this time, we would like to take this opportunity to learn more and assist you in any way that we can with this concern. To do so, please send us an email to with "ATTN: OS Community/xaviersiobhan" in the subject line and will be able to investigate further on our end.