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MyGMC app stopped working 3 weeks ago. Now I find that do not have OnStar connection

New Contributor

I discovered my MyGMC app wouldn't work any more.  I uninstalled and reinstalled the app but still nothing.  I then went to my 2022 GMC Sierra 1500 - Elevation, to attempt to contact OnStar in the vehicle but I quickly discovered that my OnStar wasn't functioning - now I know why the app quit working.  My OnStar has no green or red light at all.  When I push it - absolutely nothing happens.  I had my husband disconnect our truck battery for 5 minutes to see if that would reset things but no luck.  I called OnStar on my cell and they say take it to your dealer.  I live in REMOTE Alaska and do not have a dealer accessible without FLYING or BARGING my truck to Anchorage. My husband is a mechanic and I would love some troubleshooting tips he can try. 



This certainly is not the experience we hope for. Our team would like to learn more information on your OnStar concerns. Please send us an email to with "ATTN: OS Community/Angel0302" in the subject headline. 

New Contributor

The app still isn’t working and it’s now 4 weeks and onstar is aware they can’t even open my truck for me!! 

We know how difficult app concerns can be. If you haven't already, we recommend that you uninstall/reinstall the app from your device. If you're still having difficulties after this, please send us an email to with "ATTN: OS Community/Mikerhickey" in the subject line and we'll be happy to further assist. 

New Contributor II

I have the same problem for 4 months.  I call  Onstar  and all I get is sorry, thank you for your patients.  I have Uninstaller the App several times.  Onstar is of no help.  Time to cancel.  Not paying for junk anymore.  


Our team understands how frustrating it is when apps are not working as they should. We would like another opportunity to look into this. To get started, please send us an email to with "ATTN: OnStar Community/DJB" in the subject headline.