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MyCadillac app not working and it’s frustrating

New Contributor

I bought my Cadillac lyriq on Jun 29, 2024. I love the car. The only frustrating experience is the mobile app. It is very slow. Often doesn’t show metrics (like miles, charge %, etc…) on the mobile app. Even locking and unlocking takes forever and would need multiple tries. This has been the issue from the beginning and was never a smooth experience with the mobile app. It happened to me few times the car didn’t unlock and I have to try multiple times and even restart my phone but it worked at the end

Today’s issue is different. I had my keyfob inside and was trying to unlock. I tried at least 20 times and it didn’t worked. I have finally called the onstar customer support. They have tried it as well. It did not work. They have even transferred the call to GM technical department, but they did not solve the issue either. I’m completely blocked today and this has been such a frustrating experience.

Another hardware and more concerning issue is that the left and right turn knob is getting struck often. It’ll be smooth to operate sometimes in the very next minute it will be hard to operate as if it’s stuck.

Please look into this issue and fix it as early as possible



We do greatly appreciate these details regarding your recent experiences with OnStar. If you need further assistance, our team would be more than happy to take a further look into things on our end and ensure you get in contact with the appropriate parties for any further troubleshooting. To start, please email with ATTN: OnStar Community/Nsuryadevara in the subject headline. We hope to hear from you. 

New Contributor

I'm having the same issue. I've spoken with Onstar Tec support multiple times to no avail. They solved the issue, but within a few hours, the problem came back. I can't start my vehicle or unlock the doors via that app.  I just took my vehicle in for a software update, but the problem still exists. It's frustrating because this lease is supposed to convince me to pay over 100K for the Escalade IQ.  It's not going well. I can't afford to keep taking my car to the dealership for a full day without a loaner. What can I do?

We do appreciate you providing us with this software update information. Our team here would like to take a further look into your account details on our end and assist with any additional troubleshooting we can. Moving forward, kindly email with ATTN: OnStar Community/waltesg1 in the subject headline. We hope to hear from you soon. 

New Contributor

I exactly have the same issue. I called onstar and they reset the account, it works properly for a few hours but just a few hours. And about the left  knob , my lyriq has this problem. The car and its hardware and software problems are not worth the price.