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Mychevrolet APP issues

New Contributor

The ONSTAR connectivity team has been trying for months to correct the service mileage on my app. Basically since the middle of May when my first free service was completed the app failed to update my next service mileage. Anybody else with this issue?

Presently my issue is at the ONSTAR Tech Assistance Team level 3. 



We appreciate you bringing this situation to our attention. Our team here would be happy to take a further look into your case and provide any additional support moving forward. So we may, kindly send us an email to with ATTN: OnStar Community/engintech in the subject headline. 

New Contributor

Yes, I just bought a truck last week and it shows 5 day old data still but my case has only made it to tier 2 support so far (or that's what I'm being told since no one will call me back as promised).

Right now, I have no accurate diagnostics data at all.  It shows I have 15 miles on the truck but the location service/map is correct and shows me all over the place when I drive.  I'm getting kinda frustrated.