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Saying 'Hey Alexa' get's no response.

New Contributor

Saying 'Hey Alexa' get's no response.   Short press on the steering wheel button or touching Alexa assistant on the touchscreen brings up the assistant prompt but it doesn't pick up my voice.  Mic is ok because voice calls, etc. work fine.  I'm connected to the internet because manual intervention of google maps on the touchscreen is syncing in real-time with my phone if I search for something and my rear entertainment works fine.  Canyon is 3 days old???  I linked Alexa and made it my default. Worked great for 4 hours. Any idea as the cause?  Anyone else see this?




We do appreciate you providing these details. To clarify, is anyone else in your household utilizing the Amazon Alexa app with the same myGMC skill enabled and currently linked to your OnStar account? Please know, OnStar does not support multiple Amazon accounts linked to the same myGMC skill. For example, if two people in the same household have different Amazon accounts but share a car, they can’t use both accounts. With this, our team would like to take a further look into your account moving forward. So we may, kindly email with ATTN: OnStar Community/Dc5 so we may best assist. 

New Contributor

Did we find a fix for this??? I am having the same issue on a brand new Chevy colorado

Thank you for bringing this concern to our attention. Our team would be glad to look into this for you as well. To get started, please email with ATTN: OnStar Community/SamSimmons in the subject line.