01-31-2024 04:40 PM
In May-2023 my car showed this message, the car heated up and slowed down. I called OnStar and was advised that I should not drive the car any further and they had it towed to the nearest dealer. Some parts (which were out of stock for more than 3 months) had to be replaced and all was good for roughly 6 months when same message popped up again and this time it costed me roughly $5000 in repairs/part replacement.
Earlier this morning the message popped up again on a short ride - however it went away on my way home from work. Has any other Chevy-Volt owner faced this issue - and if so what was the resolution ?
02-06-2024 07:58 PM
Our team would like to learn more information on your vehicle concerns. When you have a moment, please send us a message at to socialmedia@gm.com with "ATTN: OS Community/udeshmukh" in the subject headline. We will be on the look-out for your response.