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GM doesn’t know or care how to update 2G to 5G

New Contributor

You’ve GOT to be kidding me!!! GM’s answer to updating is to provide an app for your phone???  Are they that backwards or are they waiting for the gov’t to provide them funding to perform this? It’s not like it happened overnight, they’ve had plenty of time to figure this out.  For goodness sake, everybody else has either provided an automated update or sent a replacement chip!!!  If it’s difficult to install, send the freakin parts to the dealer and send out notices.  This installing an app is not acceptable!!

And by the way, some people don’t have an android or iPhone for an app!!!  I have an older relative who has a flip phone (sigh) and will no longer have the Onstar service available to them!!!

Negligent and lazy. Calling it like I see it!!


New Contributor III

Thank you for all that research! Seriously though; they have known about this for well over a year. That would have given them plenty of time to offer an upgrade for our systems! My 2012 GMC pickup has less than 60,000 on it and I'm not ready to get rid of it just yet. As for my clock, it does not update itself; I had to learn to do it myself which isn't really hard (one of the only things I looked in the manual for LOL).

You're right though; for a minute there I did consider buying a different brand of vehicle because of this. When I do trade in, I will be considering something else, even though I am a GM fan from way back in my teens in the 70s! I am very disappointed in how they are doing us. I personally probably will not continue with my onstar subscription after they sunset the service. I'm not paying $15 a month for an app!

New Contributor III

kykingdom --

GM/ONSTAR OWES IT TO US TO FULLY EXPLAIN THEIR DECISION. I think you make a relatively reasoned argument -- but GM needs to pull up their big boy pants, quit just abjectly blaming Verizon (as multiple OnStar reps have done in conversation with me) and explain WTAF if they dare to hope to salvage any loyalty (read: revenue) from their pre-2015 product customer base. Absent a comprehensive honest and official explanation, the debacle reads as a hard slap in the face -- and as it stands, no, I won't support GM again.

New Contributor III

This petition to get this problem fixed has over 800 supporters. Please share this with everyone you can:

New Contributor II

GM could solve this if they VIN unlocked used hardware modules. It would still require a dealer to program the used modules but i believe its an effective workaround. 

I'll be looking at other manufacturers next year when i replace my Sierra.. 

Volkswagen did the same thing, they have Car-Net. We have a 2019 and they shut it down in our Tiguan with no fix as well.. I have been a GM owner for 20+ brand loyalty anymore...

New Contributor II

Just got off a call while canceling my service, and the advisor let slip (took some badgering) that Onstar/GM will be releasing an update/upgrade for our 2G vehicles some time in 2023. She said that when such a time comes, we should receive an email regarding it. So don’t jus casually delete every email from Onstar. Check em first folks!!

Canada got it so why can’t we eh?

New Contributor III

So will they send it even if you have canceled your service?

New Contributor II

That’s what the service advisor lady said. We will still get emails regarding current or part services.

New Contributor III

Re: Cooper_013

Did... did we just win?

New Contributor II

I guess only time will tell.

New Contributor

After discovering the aforementioned bulletin (16-NA-025) that caused Canadian car owners to get their 2G modules upgraded to 4G LTE or 5G technology, I'm not sure which, I was upset that GM/OnStar didn't offer a similar fix for US vehicles. We in the US are not even given the option to pay for the upgrade, which I would be willing to do, if the cost were reasonable. I'm certainly not willing to and will not continue my plan with just the Guardian app.