12-23-2024 07:36 AM
I took my car in over a month ago to fix some of the electrical issues with my dash and screen cutting off while driving (car doesn’t turn off just dash gauges and screen) to see what the dealer could tell me. They insisted it was an update that isn’t covered by their recalls. We ended up paying $100 for that update (why? Still blows my mind) anyway, they had me vehicle for almost 2 weeks then when I get it back it does it again but not only that, now my OnStar isn’t working. I pay and have paid for the premium subscription for my 2022 Suburban since I purchased it. As the button isn’t working much less the WiFi that I purchased or it isn’t able to connect as the OnStar isn’t even connecting what am I supposed to do? I took it back to the dealer and they ran the code thing and it came back with a ton of codes (none before I took it the first time) so they kept my car again for another week while they “waited on GM to respond with a fix” after they didn’t and said to use the vehicle without connecting anything to it (Bluetooth & USB cable) for CarPlay I am left with just a vehicle without any of the features that sold me on the vehicle in the first place. Now they’re saying I need to drive it for another 2 weeks to make sure that it doesn’t work and then take it back. Well guess what? It still isn’t working and now I’m just left with a vehicle without any fancy features that are just for show. I need help GM!