Guardian App Support
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Forum Posts

Mobile APP does not work

My mobile app seems to randomly not connect, server unavailable, slow connecting, and most recently - remote start unavailable for the last couple of weeks straight. I deleted the app and reinstalled without success. I have also manually started the ...

Canuck011 by New Contributor
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Tracking/location incorrect all the time. 4 phones

The app use to work fine. We have it installed on 4 different phones. Before anyone starts with the basic troubleshooting I have been looking at this for months. Apps have been uninstalled/reinstalled, on all phones, location permissions triple check...

Dlenn845 by New Contributor
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Guardian app

App kept wrapping out on my husband's iPhone. I wound up setting it up all over again. Now I can again see him, but he can't see me. I checked and share my location is on. Not going to keep paying for app if it doesn't work.

knickfan1 by New Contributor
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Having issues adding Family members

I sent the code to my family members via text, that was on my screen. The link that was provided forced them to sign up to a new account or use my login on the Guardian app. That signs me out and they are signed in on my account. It did not give them...

Waja by New Contributor
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Guardian app can't find location on map

My husband and I both have the guardian app on our iphones. We have no problem finding my location on The Guardian map but my husbands phone always shows he is home, even when he isn't. I have checked and locations is turned on. He has an iphone 8 an...

Suzantn by New Contributor
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After service tow reimbursement

My car broke down. Before I could make any arrangements the business I was at had the car towed away. I want to send OnStar Guardian the bill for reimbursement, which an advisor said I could do. However, I can't find any information on how to do that...

Guardian app sharing

Both my car and husband car are on same account. ( same email address). We both want use Guardian app on our phone. But can’t because of email address. We both have different phone #. ( of Course) . Is there way for do this with same email address? O...

Resolved! Can't add family member to Guardian Family share

I invite a family member to be part of the Guardian Family share, the email gets sent, the member clicks on the link and accepts the policies. Then gets this message, which doesn't make sense. Why is this happening?

guardian error.jpg
sdarte by New Contributor
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