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GM doesn’t know or care how to update 2G to 5G

New Contributor

You’ve GOT to be kidding me!!! GM’s answer to updating is to provide an app for your phone???  Are they that backwards or are they waiting for the gov’t to provide them funding to perform this? It’s not like it happened overnight, they’ve had plenty of time to figure this out.  For goodness sake, everybody else has either provided an automated update or sent a replacement chip!!!  If it’s difficult to install, send the freakin parts to the dealer and send out notices.  This installing an app is not acceptable!!

And by the way, some people don’t have an android or iPhone for an app!!!  I have an older relative who has a flip phone (sigh) and will no longer have the Onstar service available to them!!!

Negligent and lazy. Calling it like I see it!!


New Contributor III

Someone -- either on this thread or a related thread -- made a remark about how GM actually installed 2G converters in vehicles in Canada. Well, here's a copy of the service bulletin GM sent about it:

This is an excerpt from the introduction to that bulletin:

"Canadian wireless service providers plan to decommission their 2G Code Division Multiple Access (CDMA) network through 2015. OnStar® currently depends on active and functioning 2G CDMA networks to deliver services. As a result, in order to continue to provide OnStar® services without interruption, Canadian vehicles that do not have OnStar® 3G/4G LTE will need a hardware upgrade.
In order to upgrade their vehicle hardware and continue receiving OnStar® services, a customer will receive a letter from OnStar® with instructions for the upgrade process when the hardware is available for installation on their vehicle."

I believe this proves that GM/OnStar COULD have at least offered similar technology for sale to affected US vehicle owners. As I've said before, I would have parted with a few hundred dollars to ensure the service continued to function in my LaCrosse.

Everybody should be fuming about this. Please consider signing and supporting the petition at this link: .

New Contributor III

I"m not sure GM/Onstar cares about a petition, but it can't hurt....

New Contributor

My husband and I are both in our 70's.  We would gladly pay for an upgrade.  It saddens me to think that my first vehicle was a 54 chevy pickup and I have never owned anything other than a GM product.  If I can't get an upgrade for our truck and Cadillac we are going to cancel our account because it does us no good!!

New Contributor III

Jezebel54, If you know your way around a smartphone, Apple's new iPhone and Apple Watch products include crash detection. That's important, because the Guardian app apparently only offers that protection for its Android users (and I'm told Android has had crash detection capabilities for a while). It's not the same as having the integrated solution we used to have, but it's better than nothing.

New Contributor III

I have started a petition on this matter:

New Contributor III

I went there to sign the petition but I'm not sure I did. Hopefully it went through! This is ridiculous not upgrading us like they did canada!

New Contributor III


I wouldn't have cared if I had to buy the unit or pay to install it. For a few hundred dollars, I would have done it. I'm mad as Hell because they have the equipment (see the service bulletin I posted in this thread a couple of weeks ago) and didn't even offer it as an option in the US!

New Contributor

has anyone looked into purchasing the parts and doing the upgrade on thier own?

New Contributor III

I wouldn't begin to know how to do that!


New Contributor

I've tried researching how to do it on my own but the web doesn't have much I could find. I'm sure there's a way. If they did it in Canada, they should do it here. for TEN years I have been a loyal customer and now they tell us all "Oh well"??? What a shame! Sincerely disappointed in this.